User Comments:
loliking commented at 2010-09-02 23:08:24 » #423573
I really don't understand the whole band-aid thing japan has going on, I just don't. Is it a fetish or what?
14 Points
Skrewhead commented at 2010-09-02 23:15:12 » #423583
I think it's just a way to censor without using pixels. They must be getting sick of that shit too!
17 Points
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-03 11:27:06 » #424095
I love bandaids and it's my favorite way of censoring.
I'm sure we can call it a fetish. :)
25 Points
StayTLted commented at 2010-10-05 20:41:45 » #462058
@loliking with lolis it kind of adds to the innocence, IMO.
5 Points
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-20 01:41:53 » #513330
none of you have sisters women would put bandaids on their nipples so that they wouldnt show up under clothing and 30-40 years ago it became popular for women to walk in when she is going to have sex wearing only band-aids.
2 Points
Xalrun commented at 2011-07-27 17:00:07 » #826690
(I know I'm late to the party with this but meh.)
They wear bandaids because it's a variation of maebari when they wear something over the vagina as a form of censoring, but it became a fetish in it's own right.
4 Points
Anonym9 commented at 2012-02-10 20:59:20 » #999669
It's a fetish and it's often used in porn to draw the focus towards the thighs, outer-labia, and especially the anus.
1 Points
Anonymous commented at 2012-07-27 19:49:22 » #1126015
Actually, I find it draws more attention to the vagina itself, because you can't help but wonder what's underneath that itty bitty little patch. It's cockteasing of the highest order - in a good way, unlike some other forms of censoring.
5 Points